Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Searching for Grace

Grace is defined as elegance or beauty of form, manner, motion, or action. I am searching for grace.

I am trying to carry myself well, literally as well as figuratively, through a hard time. There are times when I want to throw a fit and ask why? Why is this happening to me? Why has my body betrayed me? Why has my life taken such a turn?

I have this theory that we have a 35-year, 100,000 mile warrantee on our bodies. People who are primarily healthy, I mean. After that, stuff starts happening. One's body starts to grow white hairs, for example. What is up with that? My hairdresser, a really fun and sweet friend of mine, shows me these hairs and claims they came off of my head. I tell her she's delusional and that those are left over from the last customer, but really... ah well. Apparently I have a few now.

But that's nothing compared with what's happened since then. What's happening now can only be described as a break from work that's no vacation. Although I cannot walk gracefully, I am trying to handle all the problems I come across with grace. That is the word I think of when anything challenges me. How can I manage this with grace?

More later. The meds are kicking in and it's bedtime...


Anonymous said...

35, huh? I was robbed! Robbed, I tell ya! my first grays started at 25!

Jane Q Phoenix said...

So did mine- but they seem to be appearing en masse now... What is up with that?

Anonymous said...

color, darling, color!!